Castle village Serednye
castle, chateau
Uzhhorods'kyi district, Zakarpats'ka oblast

The ruins of the castle is located on the flat edge of the village
Previous names
Castle village Serednye, Середнянський замок, Zamek w.Serednye
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The ruins of the castle is located on the flat edge of the village . Murovane fortification was established religious order of the Knights Templar in the XII century ...

After 1312 the castle owned by the monks of Saint Paul, and later - Drugets feudal family , owners of Uzhgorod castle. In the XVIII century. Castle lost its strategic importance and gradually decayed . A specific feature of the castle is that it strengthened the foundation was only one square in plan (19 x 19 m) ​​three-storey tower - dungeon . it built of stone walls at the corners lined with white stone hewn blocks, reaching a thickness of 2.5-3 Login tower was carried out with the second level through the wooden ladders that are removed in case of siege fortifications. The first tier tower with vaulted ceilings used as a utility room ; two higher levels intended to house. For communication between the rooms used vertically internal staircase.


Outside the dungeon surrounded by walls of thickness 1 m , forming in terms of square fortification with four corner tower and entrance gate . Next line of defense consists of inner and outer earthen ramparts and moat between them. General parameters of the fortifications were 240 x 210m .


From the ancient remains of the castle are preserved only muruvan donjon towers .

The ruins of the castle is a unique monument of defensive architecture of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries , which represents the earliest type of fortifications on the Ukrainian territory.



Information and photos from the book " Castles and Fortresses" ( 2007r.m.Kyyiv , "Art ")