Stone castle in Mikulintsah were built in 1550 by order of then-owner Mykulynets Anne, the daughter of Polish Hetman Senyavskoho Nicholas, his wife and Castellan of Kraków royal treasurers Spytka Jordan
Stone castle in Mikulintsah were built in 1550 by order of then-owner Mykulynets Anne, the daughter of Polish Hetman Senyavskoho Nicholas, his wife and Castellan of Kraków royal treasurers Spytka Jordan. Later, as the dowry of their daughters Sophia, the fortress passed to the family Zborowski, and then - Koniecpolski ...
The fortress was laid on the wooden fortifications. The castle has a square shape with a length of 75 meters and a wall thickness of defensive walls - 2 meters. At the 3 corners of the castle tower round tower, which had 3 tiers with loopholes for guns. On the west side, where defensive walls are additionally protected by a deep moat, the castle had an entrance gate of a composite bridge. Another entry to the castle on the east side. Inside the fortress were homes, and under their cellars and tunnels.
Past Mykulyntsi Tatar ran aggressive way and Horde attacked the camp almost every year. The castle withstood more than one draft, on its walls to this day traces of the hot resin is poured on the heads of the attackers. According to legend the locals to protect the inhabitants of the town built a tunnel until Terebovlia, a length of 9 km. The entrances to the caves you can see so far, but they go away can not, because they are swamped. In times of Khmelnytsky Cossack fortress was destroyed, and the owners again and again it recovered. After a two-week siege in 1675 the Turkish army captured the castle, which led to the gradual decline of the city. However, by the end of the XVII century. Mykulynetska castle was one of the most important forts of the Commonwealth in its southeastern boundary and lost its military significance of the defense only after reflection Kamenetz in Turks.
In the first half of the eighteenth century Mykulyntsi are Syenyavskym then - Lubomirski, and later in the same century, becomes the property of the richest magnates Potocki family. Mykulynetska castle by Potocki rule turns into a master's dwelling. It then begins a gradual decline of the castle as a fortress. In the early nineteenth century, the castle is buying an Austrian baron Ian Button, which opens in 1815 in the castle's own cloth factory. For this, he reorganized the castle complex, rather narrow loopholes in the walls pierced with large windows completely violating this fortyfikatsiynist facilities.
Since the beginning of XX century. Castle was left to self-destruction. During the War of 1941 45rr. Mykulynetska castle in organized veterinary hospital which cared for the wounded and sick horses. After the establishment of Soviet power, the remains of walls and towers of power made in the register of monuments, but did not expel the settlers from there. As housing dilapidated castle vykorystovuyuyetsya so far. No restoration work was not conducted.