Sučany castle
castle ruin
Podhradie, Žilina county

Remains of the walls of a defunct castle on the wooded hill Smreková, in a marginal position of the NW part of Veľká Fatra, near the village Podhradie, east of Martin
Previous names
Zyuchan, Scudchan, Szucsány
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How to get there
1:20 h
Remains of walls of castle Sučany are located SE of the village Podhradie, near Sučany, east of Martin. In the village we get to the street 9.mája, where there is a parking space by the playground. From there we walk along the green route. At the beginning of the road there is a shepherd's caravan, then a forest road devastated by logging begins, it is relatively difficult to climb. We continue along the forest road, pass two springs and after a while we come to a turn with a signpost. Here we turn sharply to the left. The route climbs slowly, we go as if back and later it turns right in an arc to the right. We are just below the top, where the most dangerous part of the sidewalk is and there are safety chains and ropes. In a short time we are at the top, where there are slight remnants of walls and an information board.

The original brick core of the castle on a rocky peak had a longitudinal floor plan measuring 28x19 meters. The foundations of a square shelter residential tower in the middle of the courtyard have been preserved, which was closed by a wall around the perimeter of the top plateau. The castle was protected both by the steepings of the hill, but also by ditches dug in the rock. Near the tower, the square foundations of another defunct brick building have been preserved. There was also a tank for collecting rainwater, which was stuck in the rock on three sides and demolished on one side.In 2016, archaeological research was conducted in the locality, during which various ceramic fragments were found, especially from pots and jugs. Sučiansky Castle was large in size, but the material from it was probably used by the Révai family to build a manor house in Turčianská Štiavnička.

Legend to the ground plan:1 - residential refuge tower, 2 - courtyard, 3 - moats, 4 - later small fort, 5 - prismatic bastionSource: NEŠPOR J. Za tajomstvami zrúcanín II. Zrúcaniny Stredného Slovenska
Legend to the ground plan
  • 1 - residential refuge tower
  • 2 - courtyard
  • 3 - moats
  • 4 - later small fort
  • 5 - prismatic bastionSource: NEŠPOR J. Za tajomstvami zrúcanín II. Zrúcaniny Stredného Slovenska

Archaeologists estimate the origin of the castle in the second half of the 13th century. In 1264 King Belo IV. he exchanged the territory of Vrbice for Sučany to the Zvolen county Mikuláš, the ancestor of the Balassov family. It was Mikuláš and his son Peter Forró who probably had the castle built here.

Later, around 1310, the castle was forcibly acquired by Matúš Čák, but after his death, King Karol Róbert returned several castle estates to Peter and his nephew Juraj, including Sučany. In 1323, Peter and Juraj exchanged the property of Sučian together with the castle with their relative, the county governor of Donč. However, Donč had held the position of mayor of the Komárno chair since 1337 and did not stay in Sučany. The castle belonged to the crown and they ordered its partial demolition, probably due to its redundancy.

According to a document from 1430, King Sigismund donated the Sučianske estate to Juraj Thurz and Martin of Betlanovce. The document mentions the demolished Sučiansky castle in the area of the village Podhradie. The Thurz family probably restored the castle and expanded it with a small fort. The Thurz family remained at the castle for some time until the castle no longer suited them and they left it.

The castle could probably be destroyed in 1488, when King Matej Korvín intervened militarily against the supporters of the Polish king Kazimír and the intervention was also directed against his brother's captains Martin and Bartoš, who in 1471 probably already owned the castle and allegedly handed over the castle to the Poles.

In 2016, archaeological research was conducted in the locality, during which various ceramic fragments were found, especially from pots and jugs. Sučiansky Castle was large in size, but the material from it was probably used by the Révai family to build a manor house in Turčianská Štiavnička.

History images
Myths and legends

There are no myths available.

Useful information

The remains of the walls are freely accessible

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