extinct castle
Nižný Skálnik, Banská Bystrica county

In the past, the castle of the same name was located on the top plateau of Maginhrad, the slight remnants of which are located in the forest around the plateau, north of Rimavská Sobota in the Revúcka vrchovina
Previous names
Magin, Mogavár
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How to get there
Road 1
40 min
Trasa 1: The easiest access is the route from the village of Horné Zahorany. Here we can park at the bell tower on a small square and from there a leisurely walk almost along the plain along the yellow TZT, first through an open meadow, which then enters the forest. Before entering the forest at Čerťaz, we choose the yellow route on the left, because the road straight will take us down to the village of Nižný Skálnik. Later we will come to another crossroads and the yellow route on the right will take us to the top of the lookout tower, where the castle once stood.In the forest, about 50 m to the south-west of the lookout tower, there are stone formations, similar to the remains of walls, but according to historians, these are volcanic eruptions and no remains have been preserved from the castle.
Road 2
40 min
Trasa 2: The route from Nižný Skálnik along the green route is more demanding, but the access under the hill is part of the educational trail In the footsteps of Maginhrad and the path is made more pleasant by wooden sittings and statues. The path is initially undemanding, but after entering the meadow into the forest, a more significant ascent begins, but it does not take long.
Road 3
50 min
Trasa 3: In Malé Teriakovce we can park in the northern part of the village either at the church and the cemetery, or at the crossroads, from where we will continue on foot across the meadow along the yellow route, which later enters the forest and at the end feeds the green route.

It was probably a wooden castle originally. The narrow layout extends over a length of more than 100 m and is separated from the ridge by a pair of extremely wide and deep ditches and a massive rampart. The outer moat was 15 m wide and the inner one more than 20 m wide.The flat surface itself does not bear traces of the perimeter fence or of any objects. The platform currently has a lookout tower, shelter, benches and wooden statues.


Lokalita Maginhradu bola osídlená už v bronzovej dobe. Predstavuje výšinné polykultúrne sídlisko z obdobia neolitu, eneolitu, staršej doby bronzovej a stredoveku. Zo severnej strany je opevnená sústavou mohutných valov. Najstaršie osídlenie kopca bolo preukázané keramickými fragmentmi bukovohorskej a lengyelskej kultúry.

V stredoveku na Maginhrade stál hrad (hrádok), postavený pravdepodobne v 13. až 14. storočí. Mal oválny pôdorys a zrejme i vodnú priekopu s valom. Archeológovia v tejto oblasti našli ďalší keramický materiál z 13. storočia. Pravdepodobne sa nejednalo o pevnosť s veľkým významom. Historik L.Sokolovský predpokladá využitie tejto lokality vojskom Jána Jiskru, ktorí tu mohli mať svoju pevnosť, a zánik pevnosti spája s ich vyhnaním.

Sokolovský taktiež predložil dve teórie majetkovej držby v údolí Rimavy. Ak by v 13. storočí lokalita Maginhradu patrila k majetkom rodu Hunt-Pázmányovcov, mohol pokus o založenie hradu predchádzať stavbe tamojšiemu opevnenému kaštieľu. Ak však lokalita patrila kaločským arcibiskupom, do úvahy by pripadalo až obdobie po roku 1341, keď vojvoda Tomáš Séchényi pripojil oddelené panstvo v okolí k hradu Šomoška a jeho odľahlosť mohla vyvolať zriadenie miestneho správneho centra.

V historických prameňoch sa o hrade nezachovali žiadne relevantné zmienky, no predpokladá sa, že k zániku hradu došlo v 15. storočí, keď ho dobyl Matej Korvín.

Archeológ Alexander Botoš tu robil menší archeologický výskum v roku 2014, ktorý predchádzal stavbe rozhľadne. Uvádza, že na mieste, kde v súčasnosti rozhľadňa stojí a ani v predpokladanom hradnom areáli nebol v minulosti vykonaný žiadny archeologický výskum.

Prvé archeologické nálezy z lokality Maginhrad sú však známe už zo začiatku 20. storočia, keď výskum vykonával poloprofesionálny archeológ a spoluzakladateľ Gemerského župného múzea Ľudovít Hűvössy (1858 – 1939). Z tohto výskumu pochádzajú vyššie spomínané keramické nálezy.

Nadzemné múry ani konštrukcie hradu sa podľa výskumu nezachovali, predpokladá sa, že hrad bol skôr drevenej konštrukcie a mal charakter strážneho hrádku alebo tvrdze. Asi 50 m na JZ od rozhľadne je v lese badať nános kameňov, pripomínajúci múry. Väčšina internetových zdrojov uvádza, že sa jedná o zvyšky kamenných múrov hradu (viď fotografie v galérii), no historici a odborníci tieto kamene stotožňujú so sopečnými vyvreninami. Uviesť tieto fakty na pravú mieru a tiež priniesť viac informácií o pôvodnom hrade by snáď mohol len komplexný archeologický výskum.

Oblasť Maginhradu so 17 m vysokou turistickou rozhľadňou v súčasnosti predstavuje atraktívnu turistickú lokalitu.

Myths and legends

The story of Maginhrad (Ľ. Janota)

Starlight landed on the old ruins of Maginhrad. There is a grave silence around ... Everything is silent ... everything, dreamy, fell into the arms of a clear night ... The twelve o'clock, the hour of ghosts is coming ... The ruins of the castle seem to come to life, as if mysterious, invisible figures from other worlds ... Twelve o'clock struck. She staggered over the castle and stood up, as if in astonishment, a large star shining with a very bright glow. She was the brightest in the sky. It seemed as if she was slowly descending from the sky to the ground and falling among the rums. And then at once the four castle windows looked into the night with a bright light. Where did this hall come from, when the castle has been lying in rum for centuries and the time above it has long been pronounced the eagle of death? Unknown. Miraculously, it repeats itself year after year. Nature has its secrets that human ingenuity will never understand. Let's not think about it, but rather look at the irradiated hall ... Four gloomy, massive walls. The hall gives the impression of an ancient crypt, where the centuries-old bones of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers have been dusty ... The old knights look at the chalice with gloomy glances. They stand motionless, as if carved out of marble. They all have pale, icy faces with long gray chins. They don't breathe. Everyone is serious about expecting something terrible. A miracle should happen in a few minutes. The knight, who stands behind the summit and leans on a large, rusted sword, watches the gloomest. A minute flies by a minute, and each seems to be a mystery anticipation of eternity. Read more...

But knights don't move ... they don't give the slightest sign of life ... And yet they all live their strange, incomprehensible lives ... They live, though they don't move, it's a strange life, incomprehensible to earthlings. They came here from every other end of our country and came to life only for this one night, which is to be their salvation. And will it really be? They have gathered here so many times and parted again in the morning ... The stars float in the arms of the night like locust flies in the black forest. Even the stars shine strangely today, and the song of the breeze is kind of very strange today ... And the moon looks strangely at the ruins of the castle, as if he also wants to look into the mysterious hall and find out what's really going on there ... billions of stars have separated from their sisters and fall ... fall ... across distant worlds to the ruins of Maginhrad. The star fell into the hall, into the golden chalice ... The knights' faces darkened even more, but their eyes softened. The eldest approached the chalice and grabbed it. She holds him tight and stares at his bottom. It was as if he wanted to drown his gaze in him, which was now ignited by the winter ligot ... - The Blood of Christ - he spoke in a devout, soft voice, as when Christ was turning water into wine at the Canaanite merriment. Something was swirling in the chalice ... something was boiling and boiling in it ... The noise coming from the chalice echoed across the hall. The eldest of the knights placed the chalice to his mouth with a kind of sublime movement of his firm hand, in which he still held a rusty sword. He drank the fudge of the goblet. His face took on an unearthly expression, and his eyes were piously high. - Blood of Christ - he repeated again and handed the chalice to his neighbor. And the mysterious drink in the chalice swirled again and skype, though the knight leader drank it to the bottom. There is a silent adoration on everyone's faces. In the eyes of fire, silent enthusiasm and prayer, begging for mercy ... Knights both suffer and rejoice. They have a kind of hope, which they are not sure about fulfilling, but they desperately want. The second knight also drank the contents of the chalice. His face, too, took on an extraterrestrial expression, and a strange fire flashed in his eyes. He placed the chalice on the oak table and the chalice skype again, and there was a noise in the hall. And he took it into the hands of the third and fourth ... and thus, every time he passed, he passed through twenty-four hands. The last two hands piously placed him on the oak table, and then all the eyes fell into him. It was obvious that the last moment of expectation had arrived. The leader's face was beginning to clear, but she was saddened again, and saddened even more than before. Because the goblet skype again ... it crumbled and its red contents poured onto a heavy oak table, where the drops glow with a bright red luster. The other faces grew sad, and their eyes darkened even more. And this sadness had its cause. After all, the knights have been meeting for centuries on the day of the Ascension of the Lord in the castle hall of Maginhrad, around a heavy oak table, to strengthen themselves with the blood of Christ for a moment when the chalice stops boiling, which is supposed to be a sign and the day has come when they will be able to break out from under the earth and draw their rusty swords to defend the Slovak homeland ... They have been waiting for this sign for many centuries, but that day is not coming, the Lord God is not yet tearing the handcuffs of their servitude ... even in their souls, who would like to fly out from under the ground, taking on human form from blood and flesh, they flew into the Slovak fields as a harbinger of a more beautiful life and greater well-being of our Slovak people. Well, the chalice always throws again ... They saden again, their faces glaze and their eyes obscure expectations ... The knights no longer look at the chalice, their eyes are inserted into the icy face of their leader.

He just looks at the chalice, as if to make sure once again that the Lord God does not yet want to draw his rusty swords. There is a grave silence. The stars float across the sky like the calm distances of the sea. They went out two ... three ... ten died ... a hundred ... one hundred thousand ... and they all went out ... there was only one left. And this last, the brightest, falls to the ground, as one of her sisters was lowered at midnight. He falls slowly, silently. It sits, radiantly glowing, on the castle ruins, which are lit by a tar ditch. Brightness everywhere, ligot, blinding light ... The rooster crowed. The brightness of the star turned pale. The light was gone, he would have been swallowed up by some stout black parrot. And then a mysterious noise swirled in the castle again; some figures seemed to fly over his ruins again. Twelve knights flew with the light of a jagged star, flew on its wings to return to the ruins of the castle in a year, to a mysterious room ... They left because there was no time for them. The chalice also disappeared. The sound of the murmur of Christ's blood ... this noise bounces off the walls and fits into the nascent day to fill the Maginhrad ruins one year again with the hopes of cursed knights waiting with rusted swords in the bowels of the earth beneath Maginhrad for a command for a more beautiful future of the homeland of Slovaks ... And when the blood of Christ in the chalice stops boiling and boiling, knights will rise and the whirlwind will run through the forests and fields of Slovakia to eradicate everything that is not unique that undermines the future of our homeland. Their swords will gleam in the jagot of the sun, and woe to him who hates us.

Useful information

The site is freely accessible

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