castle ruin
Cerovo, Banská Bystrica county

Slight remnants of the castle, the predecessor of Čabraď Castle, about 20 km southeast of Krupina, between the hills of the Krupina Forest at the northern end of the long-stretching Pustý vrch hill
Previous names
Lythwa, Litva, Lythua, Lytua, Haradnok
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How to get there
40 min
From the road No. 75, which leads from the village Plášťovce to Veľký Krtíš, we turn left to the village Cerovo. After a short while, just behind the road barriers, we turn left onto a narrow forest path, cross an open ramp and continue with a careful drive, still straight. The road deviates to the right to a smaller settlement, but we recommend leaving the car on the grass next to the road right at this turn and not continuing to the settlement due to the condition of the mentioned road. From there we walk in the direction of the settlement, from there we continue straight on until we enter the forest and along an unmarked route on a relatively relaxed path, more or less descending, we come to the rest of the castle on the ridge. The route is sometimes complicated by fallen trees, which are sometimes difficult to get around, but otherwise the whole route is hassle-free.

Although the area of the castle is forested, the terrain relics point to a two-part layout of the castle, separated from each other by a ditch carved into the rock. The total dimensions of the castle were about 110 x 32 m. The northern part of the castle measured approximately 40 x 15 m and has a rubble cone at the highest end, which probably hides the rest of the main residential tower. The southern part of the castle measures approximately 43 x 15 m and fragments of a stone wall have been preserved along the western edge. In the front part there is another rubble cone, probably the rest of another tower - defensive.Both castle parts from the west and north were protected by a moat and embankment. The southern access side of the fort was separated from the continuing ridge by a ditch carved into the rock. According to these elements, the castle was quite large.

Legend to the ground plan:Source: PLAČEK M., BÓNA M., Encyklopédia slovenských hradov. Bratislava : SLOVART 2007
Legend to the ground plan
  • Source: PLAČEK M.
  • BÓNA M.
  • Encyklopédia slovenských hradov. Bratislava : SLOVART 2007

The castle was probably built after the Tartar invasion after 1241 by Hunt of the Hunt-Pázmány family, or his son Derš Nagy (Great). The first mention of the castle is from 1276, when it was still called Haradnok, and it probably replaced the early medieval fortified site. The castle was immediately occupied by the grandchildren of Lambert Hunt-Pázmány, Derš Kis and Demeter. They also seized property worth 3,000 marks and various deeds. However, the king took away their property and they fell back to Derš Nagy. Even before 1307, Derša Nagy's son, Túri Mikuláš Kövér, gave the castle Litava (Cerovo) to Hunt's sons Demeter and Derš in exchange.

In 1318, the castle was occupied by Matúš Čák, who expelled Derš's son Tomáš from the castle. Soon, probably at the time of the fighting between the robes, the castle was destroyed.

Since 1342, it has been listed as desolatum castrum Lytwa. Its role was then probably taken over by the newly built nearby castle, also called Litava, which, however, has been called Čabraď since the 15th century. History does not recognize them and often the history and mentions of both castles intersect.

Based on a document from 1342, Ákos Karczag discovered in 2002 the remains of the first castle on the Pustý hrad hill, south of the village of Cerovo. Remains of walls and ditches in the wooded terrain are now visible.

History images
Myths and legends

There are no myths available.

Useful information

The remains of the walls are freely accessible

Nearby castles
Čabraď2.5 km,
Zelený hrad7.5 km,
Bzovík9.9 km,
Modrý Kameň14.9 km,
Žibritov21.2 km