Hliník nad Hronom
manor, mansion
Hliník nad Hronom, Banská Bystrica county

Originally a fortified mansion, built on the site of a small gothic fortress, is located in the village Hliník n / Hronom between the Štiavnické and Kremnické hills and mountains of Vtáčnik

Previous names
Gelednek, Gelenek, Hrinik, Geletnek, Limbach
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How to get there
The mansion in Hliník nad Hronom is located in the northern part of the village. From Priemyselná Street leading through the village through Kamenárska or Mlynská Street we get to a narrow street called Kopaničná. We will go to the end where we can park along the road.From here a few meters further walk to the left, along the school building via narrow path between the houses, until we reach the gate with fencing. The manor house is located in the area. During our visit the facility was locked.

The Renaissance mansion is a three-wing single-storey building originally from the second half of the 16th century, built on the site of the Jiskra's fortress. It was rebuilt in 1610 and at the beginning of the 18th century.The corners of the mansion terminate the towers on the square floor plan. The windows are decorated with jambs and suprafenestry with a triangular gable or profiled cornice.


In Hliník in 1440, the brothers, led by Ján Jiskra of Brandýs, built a late Gothic fortress. After the then town became the property of the Dóczy family in the second half of the 16th century in the hands of the Calvinists, they built a fortified aluminum manor house with spacious cellars and secret underground passages on the site of the fortress. The manor was expanded around 1610.

From 1678, Thököly's troops tried to conquer the manor, which severely damaged it in 1679 and 1682. At the beginning of the 18th century, the manor house was rebuilt with an emphasis on the preservation of late Renaissance building elements.

Its mining was taken care of in 1889 by the Mining Authority and became the seat of the Forest Administration of Hliník. However, the last modification around 1920 disturbed the overall character of the building, when the disturbed parts were demolished and the remaining parts were purposefully modified. Only the external facades according to the Baroque-Classicist design from the beginning of the 19th century were left. In 1951, a vocational school was established in the manor house. At present, the building is owned by a civic association and is located in a fenced area.

History images
Myths and legends

There are no myths available.

Useful information

The mansion is fenced and inaccessible

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