manor, mansion
Chtelnica, Trnava county

Originally a Renaissance manor house in the village of Chtelnica, in the northern part of the Trnava Uplands at the foot of the Little Carpathians, in the valley of the Chtelnický brook
Previous names
Wytelnize, Uitunche, Vitunche, Visencia, Vitencia, Wythenche, Wittence, Tynicze, Vtelnica, Wftelnicz, Wtelnicza, Vitencze, Vience, Wittencz, Vittencz, Chtelnitz, Wittenz, Chtelnicze, Telnitz, Vitténcz, Telnitz, Chtělnice
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How to get there
Road 1
Trasa 1: Družstevná Street passes through the village of Chtelnica, after which we cross about half of the village and after a while we come to the manor house, visible from the road. We enter the area by car through the gate near one of the reconstructed pavilions, where we can park. There is also a museum here. From there we walk straight to the park and with a slight bend we get to the manor house itself, which is on a hill above the pavilions.
Road 2
Trasa 2: We can also get directly to the manor house by walking along Družstevná Street from the aforementioned museum on route no.1 and turning to the second gate near Parková Street into the manor area.

A two-storey and two-aisled building with a rectangular floor plan, emphasized by the elevated mass of the middle risalit and also by the side risalit. The manor is characterized by high mansard roofs and bears Renaissance and Baroque elements. The facade of the manor is divided by a high number of pilasters and rustic lysines.Pavilions are regularly located around the manor house, which is a unique phenomenon in Slovakia. The pavilions have been renovated and there is a regional museum with several collections in the cellars.


In the years 1583 to 1584, a Renaissance fortified building (castrum or manor house) was built on the site of an older manor house. It was built by Krištof Ungnad. In 1603 it was rebuilt due to the higher demands of the manor.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the lordship moved from Dobrá Voda Castle to the new seat. The manor house was owned by Tomáš Erdödy at the time after his marriage to Anna Ungnad. The Erdődy family owned the manor for more than two and a half centuries. The manor house was rebuilt several times, largely in 1679, when the Renaissance building changed to Baroque and thus acquired its current appearance. They built four one-storey rococo pavilions in the manor park. The interior of the manor also changed significantly when it was magnificently furnished with furniture, paintings and other accessories. The manor also included gardens with alleys, orange orchards, a pheasant house and a menagerie. In 1775, Ján Erdődy organized celebrations, including a ball and hunting, when he greeted Queen Maria Theresa with an escort in the manor.

After the Erdődy family, the manor fell into the hands of the Pálffy family in the middle of the 19th century, who restored the interior and furniture in most of the rooms. Jozef Pálffy also had the surroundings of the manor house and the park restored. In 1912, however, the Pállfys had already taken most of the furniture and leased the manor to the owner of the Bratislava brewery, Viktor Stein. In 1918, the rest of the facility and archival records were destroyed by the local people and the Hungarian military unit.

In 1941, the Hlinka Youth Higher Leadership School was opened in the manor house with the participation of President Jozef Tiso. After 1945, it belonged to the state mansion. It served as a burgher's house, later a nine-year primary school, a doctor's office or as a living space. This state lasted until 1972, when a new school was built.

The manor then fell into the hands of the Ministry of the Interior, which initially set up its school here. The buildings and the surroundings with the park were partially renovated, but garages were built in the area. After the school, the archive of the Ministry of the Interior was established here. Since 2003, the manor house has been the property of the municipality, which began in 2006 with the cleaning of the area and in the following years the pavilions around the manor house were reconstructed.

History images
Myths and legends

There are no myths available.

Useful information

The area of the manor is accessible, there is a museum in the adjacent pavilions under the manor.Opening hours and admission

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