Castleton of Eassie
castle, chateau
Angus Council, Scotland

The house was built for Sir Thomas and Mary Wedderspoon in 1902, a fact immortalised in stone above their bedroom

Previous names
Castleton of Eassie
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The house was built for Sir Thomas and Mary Wedderspoon in 1902, a fact immortalised in stone above their bedroom.

The site however goes much further back. The house sits on an ancient mound that was dug by hand back in the 11th Century it was a very effective defensive design now known as Motte and Bailey. When you see the topography of Castleton you can clearly visualise the layout with the little wooden castle (Castle-ton) on top of the motte (mound) and the low ground, the Bailey which was tucked in around the motte providing shelter, community space and protection. The natural burn that runs past Castleton would have been breached to fill the ditch that encircles the whole land form, and access would have been via a bridge that could be easily defended.

There are 3 bridges that cross the Commerton Burn at Castleton, the most interesting is the old road bridge built in 1784. You can still see the date carved in the stone, look carefully at the picture below.

With the advent of the motor car, the old bridge that was only wide enough for a horse and cart, was replaced by the main A94 road. Today the bridge stands unchanged and undamaged in the field used only by whatever livestock is gently grazing there.

To put the old bridge in to context this is what was going on in 1784 when it was built...

King George III was on the throne and not yet mad

William Pitt the Younger was the new Prime Minister

Napoleon Bonaparte was only 15 years old

The French Revolution was still 5 years off

Bonnie Prince Charlie was in his early 60's and living quietly in Italy

Robert Burns hadn't yet written either Auld Lang Syne or Tamoshanter


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