The accurate date of construction of this church is not appropriately known, thus it is only said to be done around 1390
The accurate date of construction of this church is not appropriately known, thus it is only said to be done around 1390. The large walls which were built in the 16th century, being 4-5 m high are protecting an old church. The entrance of the fortress church is at its eastern side.
The protecting towers are situated in the middle part of the fortress' walls, and the labyrinth is situated in front of the towers. The walls of the small church are fortified with ten pillars. This church has a beautiful ceiling with some woodcraft.
The altar is simple, above which we can find the organ, unfortunately which is not functioning anymore. At the southern part of the chore there is a date 1507, which signifies the date when it was finished along with the ceiling. In the earthquake of 1916 the church was a little bit destroyed and the ceiling also destroyed and there was constructed a wooden ceiling instead. The big chair is in a good shape just like the paintings on the walls.