Fortified Church of Cincu
Comuna Cincu, Județul Brașov

The settlement was first mentioned as Chenk in 1328
Previous names
Fortified Church of Cincu, Biserica fortificată din Cincu, Nagysinki erődtemplom
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The settlement was first mentioned as Chenk in 1328. Its enormous XIII century gothic church, on a hill, dominates the area.

Its 29 meter high tower didn't serve defence purposes. There are 3 bells in it, among which, on the oldest one the date 1512 is inscriptioned, as the registration date of the bell's first casting. All three bells were recasted for in 1789, after the great fire.

In 1493, as a result of the Turkish invasion, the church was seriously damaged, it was rebuilt in the XVI century. In 1693 the tower suffered a thunder stroke, and in 1789 the fire came, which ruined the church again. The present form of the three nave church was reached after many restorations.

On the high organ-loft there are apertures, with baroque style balustrades. On one of these, the date 1796 can be traced. On the central painting of its altar Doubting Thomas can be seen; it was made in 1524 as one of the most successful pieces of art, of the famous Sibiu painter, Vincentius. Originally it was the property of Moșna, the village bought it from them in 1722. The epitaphians of Dr. Kutoris Márton 1742 and Salmen György 1746 can be seen in the main nave. There are coat stands for guildsmen next to the entrance.

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