Castle of Vila Viçosa
castle, chateau
Vila Viçosa, Évora

The fascinating Castelo de Vila Viçosa Castle (13th c
Previous names
Castle of Vila Viçosa, Castelo de Vila Viçosa
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The fascinating Castelo de Vila Viçosa Castle (13th c.) is surrounded by a trench and two cylindrical turrets, in the city of Alentejo named Vila Viçosa.

This walled fortress was the home of the Bragança family before the construction of the Paço Ducal (Ducal Palace). It has been currently adapted to host two museums: the Archeology Museum and the Museu de Caça (Hunting Museum).

Both museums are a must visit, even if it is just as an excuse for wander by the castle, which has secret passages, huge hearths and beautiful vaulted roofs.

The archeology collection is marvelous and occupies numerous rooms. Its exhibitions comprise several ages, from the Paleolithic to the Roman era, and even Egyptian treasures.

The Museu de Caça (Hunting Museum), a little less interesting than the previous one, is crowded with weapons and animal trophies which belonged to the Dukes of Bragança.

Useful information


Castelo: Museus da Caça e Arqueologia: 3.00 EUR

Paço Ducal: 7.00 EUR

Armaria: 3.00 EUR

Coleção de Porcelana Chinesa: 2.50 EUR

Museu de Carruagens: 3.00 EUR

Tesouro (Paço Ducal): 2.50 EUR

0 - 12 years: free

Castle Gardens

- The castle houses a few museums

- Closed on Mondays