Castle Świna
castle, chateau
Powiat jaworski, Dolnośląskie

Legends say that the castle erected here first representatives of the family already Mumps in 900 years
Previous names
Castle Świna, Замок Свина, Zamek Świny
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Legends say that the castle erected here first representatives of the family already Mumps in 900 years. Closer to the truth seems to be the hypothesis that at the time of the Piast dynasty in the eleventh century the ducal castle here which castellany. First time lock Zuini in Polonia exchanged Czech chronicler Kosmas in 1125 years. From the description of the chronicler tells us that in 1108 years Mutina with his uncle held in Zuini in Polonia secret meeting to discuss the plan to overthrow the Czech prince Svatopluk.

The castle had to guard the route connecting Bohemia with the Polish Pass Lubawska. In the thirteenth century the castle were castellans: Tader since 1230, Jaksa since 1242 and since 1248 years Petrico de Swyn (with Peter of pigs), which Bolek I handed the castle on the property. Świna remained in the hands of the family Mumps until 1713 years. In the beginning of the fourteenth century, they built preserved to this day residential tower, and then built the walls surrounded the castle courtyard. The tower has four floors above the courtyard, and deep dungeons. On the ground floor there was a knights' hall, where the remains of decoration can be seen in the window niches, is also preserved Gothic portal at the entrance. At the turn of the fourteenth and fifteenth century the castle was enlarged with a new wing housing the tower.

In the seventeenth century Gothic fortress was rebuilt in Renaissance style - Jan Zygmunt Guinea has created a new comprehensive mansion with towers at the corners. The original buildings expanded and decorated the windows, and the castle was surrounded by a fortified bastion.

After the death of the last male representative of the family Mumps Ernest George in 1713 the castle was sold to the husband of his daughter - Sebastian Heinrich von Schweinitz. During the Seven Years' War, the castle was completely looted by the stationed in the vicinity of the Russian army. After the death of the then owner of Baron Hans Friedrich von Schweinitz mired in debt the family had to sell the castle and manor in the forced auction in 1769. The new owner changed the lock on the grain and straw, through which the object began to deteriorate. In 1840, the storm broke roof residential tower, in 1868, again a hurricane damaged the roof and slowly all the ceilings collapsed. A fire in 1876 completed the ruin.

First job security have been taken at the beginning of the twentieth century. Tenant of the castle was Bolkowego Association of Friends of the Grove, who took care of strengthening the walls and restored the castle tower by covering it with a new roof.

During World War II, the castle guarded a small branch of the Wehrmacht stored here aircraft engines. In the sixties, completely renovated property. Since 1991 he has been in private hands.

From a castle in the Świny are related to a number of myths and legends that cite here for Richard Rogiński.

"One legend says that the name Świna derives from the place where the knight Biwoj felled the mighty boar, which is the terror of the whole neighborhood. Another says that at the top of the castle tower was the magic chamber, where Kasztelanka Agnes of images gathered there saw her future husband .

Recalls the story of a knight Pig and the beautiful Adelaide Zedlitz, the daughter of the castellan of the castle in Bolkowie. Because Świna from Bolkowo are approximately 3 km, customary law required that in the event of danger to come to each other with the help of. When, in 1345. Czechs suddenly attacked the castle in Bolkowie Henry Guinea neighbors did not move to the rescue. This incident soon escalated into an armed conflict between the two Polish crews. Świnkowie secret underground hallway to get to the fortress Bolkowski. But the fight does not happen, because the attackers have found enclosed in a chamber Castellan daughter, Adelaide. It turned out that her father was hiding before odtrącanym contender for the hand. Young Pig fell in love with the place and the feud ended with a military wedding.

There are also reports of a tendency to abuse alcohol by some representatives of the family mumps. Ot example. During the feast at the castle one of them, Konrad, had to say: "If the devil is to kidnap me, let him do it at merry meetings with friends". At the moment, struck by lightning, you're at the castle fell dead, and the cup that happens in his hand, was melted by a bolt so that the hot metal doused his hand. He was buried in the tomb of the cup to and after the death of him never parted. "