The castle was built probably in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
The castle was built probably in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Built by Pilecki later at the turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth century was in the hands of Stanislaus Stadnicki, adventurer called the devil Łańcut. Destroyed in the early seventeenth century, and in the years 1629-1641 was built from scratch by the Great Crown Marshal Stanisław Lubomirski. New Castle had a plan quadrangle with a courtyard and corner towers after the later baroque reconstruction in the eighteenth century retained this assumption. Surrounded by a fortification system relied Swedish invasion in 1655 and the troops Rakoczy in 1657. After a fire in 1688 was the beginning of the eighteenth century, she found mentioned already made reconstruction in the Baroque style. In 1817 remained in the hands of the Potocki. In the nineteenth century demolished part of the fortifications (embankments) and extended part of the business, including riding school, stables and coach house. Has recently been restored. It has a chamber in the Biedermeier style, rococo and neoclassical. Currently, the Museum of Interior and Carriages.
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23.00 PLN
18.00 PLN
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Właściciele odpowiednich dokumentów mają wstęp wolny:
- Posiadacze "Orderu Orła Białego", "Dekoracja za Zasługi dla Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej", dekoracja honorowa "Za zasługi dla kultury polskiej" oraz osoby wyróżnione tytułem honorowym "Zasługa dla kultury narodowej".
- Pracownicy muzeum.
- Członkowie Międzynarodowej Rady Muzeów (ICOM), Międzynarodowa Rada ds. Zabytków i Witryny (ICOMOS), a także Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki (SHS)
- Dzieci do 7 lat.