The ruins of the castle situated high on a steep hill basalt (460 m)
The ruins of the castle situated high on a steep hill basalt (460 m). According to tradition, there was a castle here as early as the twelfth century, mentioned in the year 1242.
The prince's castle brick was built probably in the second half of the thirteenth century as a frontier castle from the so-called. Kwisa circle on top of a hill with exploiting inaccessible terrain. Built on irregular, towerless, surrounded by walls of basalt. By the end of the fourteenth century castle remained in the hands of princes, and in 1399, after taking the district princes swidnicko-Jawor by Czech kings, passed into the possession of the family Schaffgotsches.
In the second quarter of the sixteenth century the castle was rebuilt. Dostawiono then from the east trzykondygnacjową residential tower, topped by two peaks to the west. Under the tower provided with a bypass passage connected the castle. In 1546 it was further expansion of the castle, which has been fortified. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries saw further expansion. In 1798 was established at the foot of the farm to which the goods were transferred administrations Schaff and the castle lowered.