The first building was built in the Hungarian village Frydman probably in the first half of the fourteenth century by the Berzewiczy
The first building was built in the Hungarian village Frydman probably in the first half of the fourteenth century by the Berzewiczy. It was a residential tower with a plan similar to the square, its walls are still in the basement of the later castle.
In the year 1589, belonging to Niedzica village Frydman was bought from Albert Laski George by Horwath (Gyorgi Horvath). At the end of the sixteenth century, he expanded the Castle Niedzicki, then Watchtower Frydmanska, transforming it into a fortified castle. To work at both the sites probably same architect was hired.
Frydman remained the property Horwath till year 1857, and later became the property of Salamon. The castle was then neglected, in 1881 it was already abandoned.
In 1910, the family Noworolski bought a dilapidated building, who undertook renovations. Unfortunately castle lost its historic character. Attica and deep roof replaced with plain hipped roof. In this state, the building still exists.
The building has a rear facade two corner alcoves. In front wall projection of the entrance, which once had a portal similar to the site of the castle in Niedzica. The front corners are diagonally placed bays. It was surrounded by small dikes and moats. Before 1910, there were also other court buildings, however, they were demolished.