Castel Valer
castle, chateau
Provincia autonoma di Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige

Built between the 13th and 16th century, Castel Valer is known as one of the best preserved in the Alpine region
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Built between the 13th and 16th century, Castel Valer is known as one of the best preserved in the Alpine region.

Castel Valer is a medieval complex, located near the village of Tassullo in the Val di Non valley, at the feet of the mighty Brenta Dolomites. The castle consists of two medieval fortifications with Roman origins: this is confirmed by various archaeological excavations carried out around the octagonal granite tower. With its height of 40 metres, it is known as the highest tower in the entire Trentino!

Valer Castle has more than 100 chambers, rooms and halls, some of them are richly decorated, such as the “Sala degli Stemmi” or the “Sale Madruzziane”. The walls follow the octagonal ground plan of the main tower and enclose the Lower Castle, the oldest part of Castel Valer dating back to the 14th century, and the Upper Castle from the 16th century. Inside there is also a chapel dedicated to St. Valerius of Zaragoza. It is decorated with a beautiful cycle of frescoes done by the Baschenis brothers.

Since 1368, the castle has been owned by the Spaur family which still lives there. Since 2017 it has been possible to visit Castel Valer within a guided tour.

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10.00 EUR

8.00 EUR

0 - 4 anni: gratuito

15+ persone: 8.00 EUR

- La cappella

- I meleti

- Visite per bambini

- Visitabile con visita guidata ad orari stabiliti