Castel Tor
castle, chateau
Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige

The antique Badia Castle known as Ćiastel de Tor is located in San Martino in Badia and houses the Museum Ladin
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Castel Tor, Castel Tor
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The antique Badia Castle known as Ćiastel de Tor is located in San Martino in Badia and houses the Museum Ladin.

In 1230, a three-storey residential tower was built by the attendants of the Bishops of Bressanone in the village of San Martino di Badia (St. Martin in Thurn). It was first documented under the name “Turris in Geder” in 1290. In this context the Lords of Rodank-Schöneck were feuds of the building until 1331. In the years to follow, the residential tower was amplified by a crenelated circular wall and a great hall. Also the tower was modified and two storeys were added and converted into a granary. Also in 1500 there were renovations. The Roman great hall was enlarged and two round towers were added to the circular wall.

When the bishops lost reign of the Court of Thurn and Ćiastel de Tor - “Schloss Thurn” in German - represented the centre of this complex, farmers purchased the castle. Until the castle has been rearranged it has been inhabited by their descendants. Now Ćiastel de Tor houses a museum.

Since 2001, Ćiastel de Tor in San Martino in Badia is venue for the so-called Museum Ladin, the Ladin Museum. The exhibited items and documents provide an insight into the history, culture, legends and handicraft of the Ladin speaking Dolomite valleys. Moreover several events such as exhibitions and concerts take place in the inner courtyard. And how to reach Ćiastel de Tor? A street leads on the hill. On the right side of the street there’s a covered carpark as well as open parking lots, on the left side there’s the castle.

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8.00 EUR

oltre i 65 anni: 6.50 EUR

6.50 EUR

0 - 5 anni: gratuito

Famiglia: 16.00 EUR

15+ persone: 6.50 EUR

- Tour virtuale

- Chi acquista un biglietto d'entrata per uno dei due musei, può visitare l'altro museo gratuitamente

- Area picnic

- La terrazza del museo con il suggestivo panorama

- WC

- Sede del Museum Ladin Ćiastel de Tor

- Shop del museo