The Rocca Aldobrandesca di Talamone
castle, chateau
Provincia di Grosseto, Toscana

The Rocca Aldobrandesca di Talamone the place to take your girl at sunset in Maremma Imagine
Previous names
The Rocca Aldobrandesca di Talamone, Rocca aldobrandesca (Talamone)
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The Rocca Aldobrandesca di Talamone

the place to take your girl at sunset in Maremma

Imagine. It is June 1544 and you are stood on the ramparts of the Rocca Aldobrandesca di Talamone fortress. Watching. Waiting. For a vast Corsair pirate fleet that a Constantinople spy has told you is on its way to attack Maremma's coast and inland castles. Mercilessly. You know that they must be within a breaths distance. But you cannot see them.

You're a paid soldier and, plied over the last few days with provisions and wine to keep you in good humour, you have stayed at your post. Whilst others, due to take-up station within sight down the coast at Orbetello have taken the money and run. But now, in the light of day and with the gossip running amok, the full extent of the barbaric force approaching has become frighteningly clear.

Despite your advantageous position and the fortresses walls, you know your fate at the end of the day will be death. Or worse. Slaughtered by a sword. Or, if deemed fit and strong, silenced and shackled.

Imagine again. This time you are no more than a boy on the cusp of becoming a man. It's May 1860. You are stood with three hundred other men who have secretly gathered in the Rocca from across Tuscany. Waiting to volunteer to stand alongside and fight with Giuseppe Garibaldi on his epic journey south to Sicily in two stolen steam ships. A journey that will change the face of Italian history.

Some of the men next to you have only old muskets. But no gunpowder. You and many others have no arms at all. But you are wearing your thin "Red Shirt" that Garibaldi has given you with pride. In eight days you will face in battle twice your number of well equipped, trained military. And then an army eight times your size. There is apprehension as night falls but someone starts singing and you whisper sweet words of love into the air to your mother to sooth the lamenting image of her in your head.

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