Naturno Castle
castle, chateau
Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige

Naturno Castle is located approx
Previous names
Naturno Castle, Castel Naturno
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Naturno Castle is located approx. 1 km from Naturno, above the village. At the beginning there was a Roman Tower, which has been changed in Mediaeval style. In the middle of the 13th century the “Oswald Tower” has been established and named after Oswald von Naturns, who was a knight of the Teutonic Order. From then on, the castle was the principle residence of the Lords of Naturns (Naturno).

After the Lords of Naturns there were the Lords of Maretsch (Mareccio) and those of Völs (Fiè). A fire destroyed the castle in 1538, and Abundus von Tschötsch had it reconstructed. In the course of these works he established the Room of Reformers with pictures of Luther, Huss, Calvin and Zwingli. According to a legend, Abundus died nearby the castle and transformed into a black dog as punishment for his disbelief.

In the 16th century the castle had its prime and has been equipped with various items such as wood ceilings or tilted stove. After a period of decay, Franz Ritter von Goldegg had the castle restored in the 19th century. Also the following owners decorated the owners castle with art pieces of the surroundings.

As the complex has been changed into a hotel, its original shape can only be guessed. The castle was designated a historic monument in 1950. Today, Castel Naturno is in private ownership and cannot be visited.

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