Castello Scaligero
castle, chateau
Provincia di Verona, Veneto

This atmospheric museum packs a wealth of history into the rough stone walls of a 14th-century castle
Previous names
Castello Scaligero, Castello Scaligero (Torri del Benaco)
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This atmospheric museum packs a wealth of history into the rough stone walls of a 14th-century castle. The fortification was built in 1338 as part of the Della Scala family's attempts to fend off the Venetian Republic. Each of the castle's rooms explores a different traditional industry such as boat building, fishing, olive-oil production and citrus growing.

Most interesting is the limonaie (lemon glasshouse), the oldest on the lake, which dates from 1760 – it's crowded with fragrant citrus trees and windfalls litter the floor.

Useful information

1.50 EUR - 1 ora

5.00 EUR

oltre i 65 anni: 3.00 EUR

15 - 18 anni: 3.00 EUR

0 - 14 anni: gratuito

3.00 EUR

Famiglia: 10.00 EUR

- Un piccolo orto botanico

- Un antico pozzo

- Sede del museo

- Visite guidate