The Castle of Rivalta
castle, chateau
Provincia di Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna

The Castle of Rivalta Il Rivalta Castle it is one of the very few European examples of manors surrounded by an ancient village habitually inhabited by the family Zanardi Landi, since the end of 1
Previous names
The Castle of Rivalta, Castello di Rivalta
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The Castle of Rivalta

Il Rivalta Castle it is one of the very few European examples of manors surrounded by an ancient village habitually inhabited by the family Zanardi Landi, since the end of 1.200.

Thousands of tourists visit this exclusive and highly evocative place every year, coming from every region of Italy and from abroad. The castle and its village have kept intact their unique history, their magic and their charm.

Il castle has 54 sale furnished with furnishings e vintage carpets (from 1400 forward) and made functional over time to accommodate guests with needs obviously changed with the passing of the centuries.

The castle has been and still is visited by Kings and Queens, by Princes, by Members of Noble Families and State leaders, coming from all over the world. In this amazing place, Princess Margareth, the sister of Elisabeth, the Queen of England, has spent her summer holidays for several years.

The history of the Castello di Rivalta

The first news on the existence of the Rivalta Castle seems to date back to an 1025 purchase act.

in the XNUMX as evidenced in the documents of the time, the emperor Henry II gives a part of the manor to the monastery of San Savino in Piacenza.

Thirty years later the rest of the structure is sold to the same monastery, which, thanks to this acquisition, gained in richness and importance.

For the following century, the Castle was concerned by sieges, destructions and alternation of owners.

the lord of the Village and of the feud is Obizzo Landi. Since then the Castle has always belonged - with brief interruptions - to the Landi family.

In the XNUMX both theCastle that the Village are purchased by the Earl Carlo Zanardi Landi of Veano, descendant of Pietro Zanardi Landi, one of the contenders in the divisional litigation occurred in the fourteenth century.

To the Zanardi Landi, current owners, we owe the restoration and the magnificent development of the structure.

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12.00 EUR

6 - 12 anni: 9.00 EUR

3° Figlio 5.00 EUR

0 - 5 anni: gratuito

20+ persone: 10.00 EUR

Una gratuità ogni 20 persone

- Passeggiare per le strade di un borgo medievale

- WC

- Degustazioni Di Vino

- Proprietà privata

- Il castello viene affittato per eventi speciali

- Visite Individuali e di Gruppo in altre lingue: +35.00 EUR