Castello di Mussomeli
castle, chateau
Free municipal consortium of Caltanissetta, Sicily

Castello di Mussomeli, Caltanissetta, Sicilia The aura of mystery and the legends that surround the Castle of Mussomeli (also known as Castello Manfredonico), in the province of Caltanissetta, must stem from its peculiar look: it towers over the rocky base it is anchored to like a dark, enigmatic, tremendous stone ghost
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Castello di Mussomeli, Castello di Mussomeli
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Castello di Mussomeli, Caltanissetta, Sicilia

The aura of mystery and the legends that surround the Castle of Mussomeli (also known as Castello Manfredonico), in the province of Caltanissetta, must stem from its peculiar look: it towers over the rocky base it is anchored to like a dark, enigmatic, tremendous stone ghost.

The rooms built by Manfredi III Chiaramonte in the second half of the 1300s have filled with noir tales, featuring the ghosts of women immured alive in the moonless nights, and the unsettling echo of murdered noblemen’s laments during the day.

Beauty fuels the imagination, even the one needed to make up stories about disquieting spirits. And beauty is plentiful in the Castle of Mussomeli: the chapel, the “Barons’ Hall”, the dining room, the portals decorated in the typical local style, with zigzagging trim in white stone from Comiso)…

It is all tremendously beautiful.

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