Malaspina Castle
castle, chateau
Provincia di Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna

Malaspina Castle is on the hill dominating Bobbio, an area rich in historical memories
Previous names
Malaspina Castle, Castello Malaspina Dal Verme di Bobbio
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Malaspina Castle is on the hill dominating Bobbio, an area rich in historical memories. Above it there was the primitive Ligurian-Celtic Roman site, while the castle was built where S.Petri Basilica was once. Built in 1304 by Corradino Malaspina, during his rule it remained a Ghibelline fortress; afterwards, the towns rule was handed over to a podesta who put it under the protection of the Viscontis. The Viscontis then granted it as fief to the Dal Verme family. In 1545 the castle was transformed into a luxury mansion, afterwards it was purchased by several noble families and it finally became a state possession only in 1956. The external walls, connected to the town wall system, were destroyed throughout the centuries;nothing remains of the dry moat separating the external from the internal walls. Such walls are still visible, together with two drawbridges,on the North-Western and North-Eastern sides. The western side shows remains of the Bishop Tower; S. Petrii Basilica was on its extension, and it was long used by the castle owners as powder-magazine. The square plan donjon rises in the centre of the area, while a circular plan building was subsequently built on the eastern side, on an ancient rampart.

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Bellissima vista su Bobbio