Castello delle Quattro torra
castle, chateau
Provincia di Siena, Toscana

This castle was built in the 14th century
Previous names
Castello delle Quattro torra, Castello delle Quattro torra
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This castle was built in the 14th century. To defend the city. When, in 1555, the city was taken by the Medici, it became a country residence, but it undergoes practically no transformation, which makes its interest. With its 4 towers of identical angles, placed on a height, isolated among olive trees, cypresses and other trees, it still has an impressive appearance. Its brick construction and its position on a steep escarpment still reinforce this pace, yet softened by the appearance of the ditch, now occupied by a garden. The noble floor and top of the towers are decorated by a pretty frieze formed of small arches, and bricks oblique create a beautiful effect of shadows. The windows are all identical, and are surmounted by a lowered arch, and there are still fine murderers; The holes used to fix the scaffolds dot the facade. A gate under a pointed arch makes it possible to enter the castle, passing under a place from which the besieged threw all kinds of disagreeable things on the assailants: molten lead, stones, inflammable or boiling liquids.

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