Castello dell'Abbadia
castle, chateau
Province of Viterbo, Lazio

Built in Medieval times (12th century) by Cistercian monks on top of an old abbey devoted to San Mamiliano, the Castello dell'Abbadia, became over time into an important fortress and shelter for pilgrims and travellers, including the Knights Templar
Previous names
Castello dell'Abbadia, Castello dell'Abbadia
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Built in Medieval times (12th century) by Cistercian monks on top of an old abbey devoted to San Mamiliano, the Castello dell'Abbadia, became over time into an important fortress and shelter for pilgrims and travellers, including the Knights Templar.

The Ponte del Diavolo, instead, has even older roots: the tuff main towers date back to Etruscan times while the tree-arched structuredates back to the 1st century BC.

Originally, not only did the bridge allow to cross the river, but it also bore the Roman acqueduct that brought water to the city of Vulci. Later, in Medieval times, it was adapted to the defensive needs of the castle.

Through Medieval times the Castle of Vulci was disputed by the Aldobrandeschi and Di Vico families and the Town of Orvieto.

In the 16th century the castle was in the hands of Alessandro Farnese, future Pope Paul III, and it became the customs of the Papal State, thanks to the closeness to the Gran Duchy of Tuscany.

In 1808 the castle was bought by Luciano Bonaparte and in 1853 it became property of Alessandro Torlonia. Finally, after decades od decadence and abandonment the castle was bought by the Italian State (in the 60s). After restoration works by the National Trust, the castle became house of the National Museum of Vulci, open to public in 1975.

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