Castello di Grazzano Visconti
castle, chateau
Provincia di Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna

The stone towers of Castello di Grazzano Visconti rise above a medieval village and the surrounding countryside
Previous names
Castello di Grazzano Visconti, Castello di Grazzano Visconti
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The stone towers of Castello di Grazzano Visconti rise above a medieval village and the surrounding countryside. Do explore the halls and stairways of the castle itself, but the main attraction is the castle's park. Spreading over 15 hectares (37 acres), the park is filled with an Italian garden, with dozens of plants and trees. Stop by the pond for a full view of the castle and gardens. Take a look at our Grazzano Visconti vacation tool to schedule your visit to Castello di Grazzano Visconti and learn about what else to see and do during your holiday.

Useful information

4.00 EUR - 24 ore

Castello: 16.00 EUR

Parco: 10 EUR

Castello: 8.00 EUR

Parco: 5.00 EUR

0 - 5 anni: gratuito

Castello 20+ persone: 13.00 EUR

Castello 20+ persone: 8.00 EUR

- Attività di didattica e intrattenimento

- Visita del borgo con eventi programmati

- Musei, mostre, eventi

- Visite guidate

- La visita del castello non è adatta a bambino con meno di 6 anni

- Negozi sul territorio