The Castle of Corigliano
castle, chateau
Provincia di Cosenza, Calabria

STORY The first information about the presence , in Corigliano , a fortified outpost dating back to the eleventh century
Previous names
The Castle of Corigliano, Castello di Corigliano Calabro
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The first information about the presence , in Corigliano , a fortified outpost dating back to the eleventh century . They were in fact the Normans who , in their campaigns of conquest of Calabria and Sicily, in moving along the valley of the river Crati, had to think of building a primitive stronghold , in defense of the perched village of Corigliano and control of the underlying plain of Sybaris . Despite the radical refurbishment ( made ??since 1490 ) have almost completely erased the traces of this primitive fortified building , it can be assumed that the basis of the Manor date back to this period . ( 1). With the Aragonese domination of Calabria, who comes after to the Angevin , Ferdinand escapes the Sanseverino family feud Corigliano and the fort annexed . In 1489 , following a visit of the Duke of Calabria, who complains about the state of the fortress complains that his garrisons there can not be accommodated , Ferdinand I of Aragon ordered that they be completed expansion and renovation , which is resolved in an authentic reconstruction of the existing building fortified . The work will be undertaken in 1490. As part of the fortification system built to defend the settlement, the construction of the castle was complete (with its role as an articulation of formal and functional) , the defense system , consisting of the fourteenth-century town walls and the principals placed at crucial points of ' settlement itself. In this circumstance , the old Norman Keep was incorporated into a structure defined by a quadrangular , the angles of which were located in three new towers , oriented according to the cardinal points. With these reconstruction work , sponsored by the central Aragonese Castle of Corigliano takes its final configuration . The plant 's construction obeys the need for new techniques of war , requiring the fortification of being able to absorb the blows of the artillery ( 2 ) . The author of this work is uncertain, but several factors will suggest the attribution to Antonio Marchesi da Settignano , a pupil of Francesco di Giorgio Martini ( 3). The typological Castle of Corigliano in fact relates to other castles built in the same years in the Kingdom of Naples ; and those castles have their main referent in the formal and technological renovations made ??in Naples on the old Angevin castle . In 1506 , the fief and Castle of Corigliano regained possession of the Sanseverino . But his status has to be precarious if the same man decides to build himself a new fortified palace in S. Mauro . In 1516 , Antonio Sanseverino re-establishes his residence in the castle , and to increase the level of security , promotes other restructuring. They are probably to be ascribed to this period the construction of the shoes around the base of the towers and the construction of the Rivellino place to protect the sole input , connected to the castle by two slender drawbridges that guaranteed access to the fort. As evidence of its new state of efficiency, in 1551 the castle was designated as the seat of a military garrison . In 1616 the estate passed into the hands of Corigliano Saluzzo in Genoa. The new owners , in order to make the castle more suitable to his residence , performing in 1650 the first measures of functional adaptation of the fortified structure . Among them, we recall the construction of the octagonal tower ( located on the base of the ancient keep) , the chapel of St. Augustine (who undergo repeated remakes ) , new access ramps to the inner courtyard , as well as some of the areas intended for the residence. In 1720 , following the decision to reside permanently in their new building , the Saluzzo promote new renovations of the castle. The need to live in the manor during the summer and autumn pushed Augustine Saluzzo to adapt some interiors of the fort . In this case, they were reworked and made ??more comfortable some of the rooms , it was built a balustrade outside the throne room and was realized , the current way Pometti , a large stable as part of the Castle , which replaced the existing one in the moat . In 1806 the castle was besieged and sacked by French troops . Following these events, the Saluzzo moved to Naples and decide to dispose of the castle and the rest of their assets in favor of Giuseppe Corigliano Partner of Longobucco.

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