Castello di Contignaco
castle, chateau
Province of Parma, Emilia-Romagna

The Castle of Contignaco is a fortified structure dating back to the eleventh century built by the will of Adalberto Pallavicino, but it seems that the main tower of the structure, still present and well preserved, dates back to 1030
Previous names
Castello di Contignaco, Castello di Contignaco
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The Castle of Contignaco is a fortified structure dating back to the eleventh century built by the will of Adalberto Pallavicino, but it seems that the main tower of the structure, still present and well preserved, dates back to 1030. After violent clashes with the fief of the Pallavicino, was the family of the Aldighieri of Parma to conquer the castle in 1315, thus obtaining the control of some salt pans scattered throughout the territory (the castle is in fact located on what was formerly called "via del sale", at that time an essential product for the food storage).

The manor remained the property of the Aldighieri until 1537, when the feud passed from the Milanese Chamber of Milan to the Sforza-Pallavicino; then it was the turn of the Terzi and finally the Farnese. In 1762 Don Filippo di Borbone sold the property to the Marquises Ponticelli and during the nineteenth century the castle changed owners several times.

Today the castle is the private residence of the Romanini family and is home to a winery: in the shadow of the ancient medieval tower continues the great tradition that has characterized this territory for centuries, with the company engaged in research and rediscovery of methods of ancient production and vinification. This traditional approach, outside the standardized logics of wine production, is aimed at the consumer looking for wines of great quality, able to appreciate the naturalness of the products, obtained without the aid of chemical or technical fertilizers to force the natural process of production.

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