Castello Doria Malaspina
castle, chateau
Provincia della Spezia, Liguria

The Museums of Castello Doria Malaspina houses inside the following museums: Museum of the Brigade "Vara Valley", Museum of Faunal Resources, Gallery "David Beghè" Small Peter Rose Museum, Museum of Peasant Tradition and Beekeeping Museum
Previous names
Castello Doria Malaspina, Castello di Calice al Cornoviglio
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The Museums of Castello Doria Malaspina houses inside the following museums: Museum of the Brigade "Vara Valley", Museum of Faunal Resources, Gallery "David Beghè" Small Peter Rose Museum, Museum of Peasant Tradition and Beekeeping Museum. Also in the Little Peter Rose Museum it will be able to appreciate the Stele Statue of Borseda. On the main floor will appreciate the beauty of the Show Recommend in with the big wrought iron chandelier and fireplace. The Hall is used for events, exhibitions, conferences and for the celebration of weddings.

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