Fahlburg Castle
castle, chateau
Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige

Fahlburg Castle in Prissiano used to be a defensive building and has been renovated in the 17th century

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Fahlburg Castle, Castel Fahlburg
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Fahlburg Castle in Prissiano used to be a defensive building and has been renovated in the 17th century.

In the 13th century Castel Fahlburg, located in the low mountain range of Prissiano, has been established as defensive castle. The building was owned by the masters von Zobel and was known as “Turm zu Vall” (Turm = tower). From the original building, today only the tower is left. At the end of the 16th century, Jakob Andrä von Brandis purchased the castle and around 1615 it has been changed into a Renaissance castle. Fahlburg Castle served as summer residence for the Counts von Brandis and was seat of the court.

The Renaissance elements have been preserved up to present times. Inside the castle the panelling, masonry heater and other spruce items as well as a ceiling painting by Stefan Kessler are very well preserved. Also a two-storey chapel is part of the castle complex. By the way: in Fahlburg Castle the first grounds for Tyrolean writing of history were made, as this is where the significant work “Geschichte der Landeshauptleute von Tirol” was created by Jakob Andrä Brandis.

The family von Brandis is still today owner of the listed building. Fahlburg Castle is one of the most beautiful Renaissance castles of South Tyrol and is a popular location for events, such as exhibitions and weddings. Up until recently, the castle also hosted a small restaurant.


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