Cassero Senese (Grosseto)
castle, chateau
Provincia di Grosseto, Toscana

Much of the walls' appearance today is due to the interventions of improvement that were carried out between 1574 and 1593 according to the project of the architect Baldassarre Lanci who was commissioned for the job by the Grand-duke Francesco I de' Medici
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Cassero Senese (Grosseto) , Cassero Senese (Grosseto)
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Much of the walls' appearance today is due to the interventions of improvement that were carried out between 1574 and 1593 according to the project of the architect Baldassarre Lanci who was commissioned for the job by the Grand-duke Francesco I de' Medici.

The defensive walls develop around a hexagonal perimeter with corners defended by polygonal bastions and guard posts collocated at the tops of the more outlying bastions. Up to 1757 the walls were surrounded by an external ditch and an embankment of packed earth. In 1855 Leopoldo II had most of the guard posts situated on the bastions demolished, thus improving the aspect of the whole circuit which was transformed into a tree-lined walk for the citizens of Grosseto.

During the second world war, bombs destroyed the last sentry-box left, inside which there were still some frescoes. Recent restoration-work has brought back the whole circuit of walls to its original splendour, including back passages, storehouses and redoubts. Rooms and paths are paved with bricks in a herring-bone pattern.

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