The Bikal castle is named after the Emperor faithful from Selmecbánya Antal Puchner Stanislaus, who, after the Napoleonic wars in Italy and served in 1846 in Transylvania Commander was appointed and the 1849 Transylvania campaign has repeatedly clashed with the Hungarian army, and later became Venice governor
The Bikal castle is named after the Emperor faithful from Selmecbánya Antal Puchner Stanislaus, who, after the Napoleonic wars in Italy and served in 1846 in Transylvania Commander was appointed and the 1849 Transylvania campaign has repeatedly clashed with the Hungarian army, and later became Venice governor. The three villages comprising estate Bikal the ruling in 1841 donated Antal Puchner military successes of the Emperor as a general recognition. The Baron at first visit to his estate, where at the end of the 1840s mansion and began construction in 1849, when the general's son, Hannibal visited the estate, the castle building has been standing just inside the first floor were still works. After the death of General Puchner Hannibal took over the estate and the installation of the park next to the castle is rebuilt. His elder son, Charles had big plans concerning the expansion of the castle but due to the early death of this young widow left to achieve. The building is from 1889 and has won the can still be seen, romance rooted in historical form, he had completed the conversion work started. The castle was rebuilt between 1993-1996, and it was declared a national monument for a year.