Château de Saint-Malo
castle, chateau
Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne

Château de Saint-Malo was built between 1424 and 1690, first by Jean V, the Duke of Brittany
Previous names
Château de Saint-Malo, Château de Saint-Malo
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Château de Saint-Malo was built between 1424 and 1690, first by Jean V, the Duke of Brittany. The Duke Francois II built the first tower in 1475. In 1590 during the Wars of Religion the castle was occupied by local people, who wanted to prevent local governor to gave the city to Protestant king Henry IV.

The château was modified in the 17th century according the design of famous fortress architect Sebastian Vauban. In the 19th century it functioned as barracks. Today it is a museum, covering a number of themes including the long maritime history of St-Malo, 19th century writers of which Chateaubriand is the most well known, WWII occupation and the destruction and reconstruction of the town.

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Adulte: 5,40 €

Scolaires, étudiants: 2,70 €

Groupes (plus de 10 adultes) et groupes titulaires "passeport vacances": 4,50 €

Groupes plus de 100 personnes (du 15/09 au 30/04): 2,70 €

Groupes scolaires de l'arrondissement de Saint-Malo, militaires, accompagnateurs de groupe, personnes inscrites à Pôle Emploie, bénéficiaires du RMI: gratuit