Standing on the heights above the Dordogne Valley, this castle was built between 1519 and 1534 by Jeanne de Balsac, Lady of Montal
Standing on the heights above the Dordogne Valley, this castle was built between 1519 and 1534 by Jeanne de Balsac, Lady of Montal. Never completely finished, this Renaissance masterpiece is distinguished by the exceptional wealth and quality of its sculptures, which stand comparison with those in royal palaces. Monumental staircase. Tapestries and furniture from the 16th and 17th centuries. Renaissance interior courtyard.
Le parking GRATUIT(ombragé en contrebas du château, parking autocar)/ Parking PMR
Adulte: 8 €
Tarif réduit: 7 €
Groupe adultes (à partir de 20 personnes): 7 €
Groupe scolaire: 30 €; 72€ (visite scolaire approfondie avec documents pédagogiques); 110€ (visite et atelier thématique); 72€ (visite-conte)