Built in the eighteenth century by the Marquis d'Armaillé, Château Craon is in an exceptional state of preservation
Built in the eighteenth century by the Marquis d'Armaillé, Château Craon is in an exceptional state of preservation. Restorations in the nineteenth century, after much damage was caused by the revolution, have had no effect on the architecture so that the visitor today finds it as it was in 1779. Work undertaken by the owners has also helped keep the interiors in the Louis XVI style. From the great entrance hall to the music room, via the dining room and the Oval hall, Château Craon illustrates the lifestyle of the aristocracy under the Old Regime.
The French style garden and English style grounds extend your walk through history. The two concepts of landscape design are differentiated by perspective and regular classical symmetry on the one hand, while the other highlights curves, shadow plays and romantic light.
Craon has been classified as a historical monument since 1943, a reflection on the relationship between architecture and garden over two and a half centuries, a window onto history, artistic and natural heritage, which its owners, the Count and Countess of Guébriant love helping their visitors to discover.
Le parking GRATUIT
Adulte: 5 € (visite le parc et les jardins); 8 € (visite le château)
Chambre d'hôtes: à partir de 80 €/ la nuit
Le gîte: à partir de 125 €/ la nuit
Tarif réduit (moins de 18 ans, étudiant, famille nombreuse): 3,5 € (visite le parc et les jardins); 6 € (visite le château)
Enfant (moins de 6 ans): gratuit (visite le parc et les jardins,le château)
Groupe adultes (à partir de 15 personnes): 5 € (visite le parc et les jardins); 6 € (visite le parc et la visite guidée du château)
Groupe scolaire (à partir de 10 personnes): 3,50 € (visite le parc et les jardins); 5 € (visite le parc et la visite guidée du château)