San Paio Castle
castle, chateau
Lugo, Galicia

The San Paio Castle (Spanish: Fortaleza de San Paio de Narla) was probably built by Gonzalo Ozores in the early 15th century
Previous names
San Paio Castle, Fortaleza de San Paio de Narla
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The San Paio Castle (Spanish: Fortaleza de San Paio de Narla) was probably built by Gonzalo Ozores in the early 15th century.

As nearly every castle in Galicia it suffered from the Irmandinos uprising. Reconstruction began shortly after the war, by nobleman Vasco das Seixas.

The San Paio Castle consists of a huge keep and a domastic range attached to it, that previously formed the enclosure. It has a little courtyard in the middle and some beautiful stone staircases leading to the upper floor.

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Su estado es bueno, alberga un interesante museo en el que podemos ver armas de fuego cortas y largas, cañones de varios tipos, armas blancas, algunas armaduras, tapices e incluso mobiliario

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