El Clascar
castle, chateau
Barcelona, Catalunya

El Clascar, also known as Bertí castle, is a dilapidated building in the town of Sant Quirze Safaja belonging to the rural town of Bertí

Previous names
El Clascar, El Clascar
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El Clascar, also known as Bertí castle, is a dilapidated building in the town of Sant Quirze Safaja belonging to the rural town of Bertí.

Located at the top of the Bertí cliffs, near noon and the church of Sant Pere de Bertí, about 650 metres to the south.

Its an ancient domus or strong house, documented in 987. It became farmhouse in the XIV century when Guillem del Clascar is mentioned under the control of the Centelles family. In the XVI century it was owned by Bell-lloc family. In the early XX century had a major restoration in a fantasy style with gothic, romanesque and arabic, betwwn real and imitation, such the crown-shaped battlements and circular tower of the north wind edge.

At 1949 was listed as a Cultural Asset of National Interest, because its origin is related to a medieval castle.


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