Castle of Urueña
castle, chateau
Valladolid, Castilla y León

The castle of Urueña was built around the year 1060 by the Castilian monarch Fernando I el Magno (the Great)
Previous names
Castle of Urueña, Castillo de Urueña
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The castle of Urueña was built around the year 1060 by the Castilian monarch Fernando I el Magno (the Great). It is built on the remains of a Roman fort. Overlooking the Tierra de Campos it has always been a strategically important place. Urueña was on the border between the two kingdoms Castilla and León. After many battles the kingdom of Castilla reconquered the castle in the year 1281.

The Queen Doña Urraca lived in this castle. Also Doña María de Padilla, mistress of King Pedro I of Castilla, lived here. Later the castle was used as a prison: Doña Beatriz Princess of Portugal was held here as one of the prisoners. From the 19th century it was used as a cemetery. Today only the exterior walls of the castle remain. The inside of the castle cannot be visited!

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Está en ruinas y ha servido durante muchos años como cementerio