Trigueros Castle
castle, chateau
Valladolid, Castilla y León

Trigueros Castle lies, in the village of Trigueros del Valle, in the province of Valladolid in Spain
Previous names
Trigueros Castle, Castillo de Trigueros del Valle
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Trigueros Castle lies, in the village of Trigueros del Valle, in the province of Valladolid in Spain.

The history of Trigueros Castle isn't very well known. It is not built on a strategic position because, although located on a small hill in the village, it is dominated by other higher hills. So, the castle was probably more a fortified residence than a military strength. Also the name of the village church, an older building on a higher hill; Santa Maria del Castillo, seems to indicate that the most suitable place of a preceding strength already had been taken.

By its groundplan and disposition it seems to have been build in the 14th century. And reformed and completed in the 1453 as indicated by the coat of arms of Gutierre de Robres (or Robles) and his wife Maria de Guevara, placed above the entrance gate.

Its groundplan is a rectangle of about 56 by 40 meters with rectangular towers at the corners. These towers were only slightly higher than the curtain walls and on of them was inhabitable. In the center of the northern wall stands the square keep with 2 meter thick and 10 meter wide walls. The gatetower is in the center of the western wall and gave access to the courtyard through 3 successive, heavy, wooden doors.

Beneath the courtyard are three vaulted underground rooms which were used as stables and for storage. On the courtyard are remnants of walls of several buildings and a cistern.

Closely surrounding the castle and following its outline is a ruined second enclosure of about 70 by 50 meters, reinforced with cylindrical towers. These towers are equipped with artillery slits dating back to around 1500.

During the revolt of the Comuneros, the vassals of Robles assaulted and sacked the castle to take revenge for the abuse that Robles committed on them.

This is a pretty castle ruin, which was being restored when I visited, thus preventing access. I don't know if it is normally accessible. There are numerous underground spaces in the little hills directly surrounding the castle. They seem to be used by the villagers for storage. At some of these the ceiling had collapsed which gave me the possibility to look inside. Some of these spaces seemed very large; almost like halls. I was told that some of these were cellars made and owned by the villagers for storage. Some of them could be as old as 500 years.

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