An emblematic and majestic defensive building of the 14th century that crowns the village of Todolella
An emblematic and majestic defensive building of the 14th century that crowns the village of Todolella. Its beauty and interesting structure gives a special appeal to the population that stretches along the hillside, giving the castle-palace a singular prominence.
Throughout its history, the building has been owned by numerous families. A few decades ago, the current owner, Ricardo Miravet purchased it and restored with the purpose of making it his home. Recently, it has been established an agreement with the town, in order to let the castle be part of the heritage of Todolella, but it is not ready to be visited yet.
Es de libre acceso con previo permiso
Es de libre acceso con previo permiso
Es de propiedad privada, de un francés, organista de Notre Dame, Don Ricardo Miravet, y se usa como vivienda.