Penella Castle
castle, chateau
Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana

In 1272, the king James I gave a consent to Guillem Ponç de Vilafranca in order to build a castle or tower on the ‘Peniella’ rock, with a territory between the castles of Alcoy and Penàguila dominions, inside the settlements of Penella and Forminyà
Previous names
Penella Castle, Castillo de Penella
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In 1272, the king James I gave a consent to Guillem Ponç de Vilafranca in order to build a castle or tower on the ‘Peniella’ rock, with a territory between the castles of Alcoy and Penàguila dominions, inside the settlements of Penella and Forminyà.

The architectural complex was built on a high point, very precipitous at the north and west sides. The buildings at east and south sides were built on a graded soil, while the tower and rectangular construction, that still stand, were built directly on the rock.

The restoration of this monument, started in 2003 and finished in 2006 and has allowed the conservation of one of the rare witnesses of a convulsive and socioeconomical unsettled age.

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Visita libre

Visita libre

Abierto sábados y domingos de 10 a 13 horas (hasta el 28 de Octubre de 2018).

Fuera de este horario, solicite las llaves en el el ayuntamiento (Retén, Plaza de la Vila, 1). Se requiere DNI