Fort of Desnarigado
Ceuta, Ceuta

The Fort of Desnarigado is a fort, converted into a museum, located on the coastline of the southern front of Mount Hacho, in Ceuta
Previous names
Fort of Desnarigado, Castillo del Desnarigado
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The Fort of Desnarigado is a fort, converted into a museum, located on the coastline of the southern front of Mount Hacho, in Ceuta. The construction was carried out in the 19th century, although previously there had been other structures such as the same military character in that location. Its name comes from a Berber slave escaped from the mines of the Rif who had his nose amputated during his captivity. The Desnarigado escaped with other slaves and reached the Portuguese Ceuta. They disembarked on a small beach, which also gets its name, and settled on a small mound that would constitute the den to which they returned after carrying out piracy activities in the Strait of Gibraltar. At the end of the seventeenth century it was decided to build a small fort of which there are almost no remains. The current castle would be built in the 19th century. The castle consists of a single floor and is composed of a front and two lateral bodies parallel to the coast. Two towers six meters high, crowned by battlements, flank the door in which is a reproduction of the coat of arms of the Hasburg monarchy. The Castle was active until the early twentieth century when it was gradually abandoned. It would later be decided to rehabilitate and transform it into a military museum. It was inaugurated in 1984. Since then, it has collected various military objects related to the history of Ceuta.