The castle stands on the rock Papiol population, Puig Papiol
The castle stands on the rock Papiol population, Puig Papiol. This castle is part of the network towers that watched the course of the Llobregat and the access road to Barcelona raids against the Muslims, mainly from the Penedès. Part of this network castles such as Sant Jaume (or Old Castle Rosanes), the Rosanes (the Pairet), the Eramprunyà or next Castellciuró. Castle rectangular formed by several bodies of buildings juxtaposed. The oldest part is on the ground floor, barely pierced the entrance: a staircase carved into the rock kind to a long, narrow room with walls apparatus spike more departures than around semicircular supporting.
La entarda GRATUITA
La entarda GRATUITA
Es de propiedad privada, y se encuentra habitado por su dueña, doña Adela Mora, baronesa de El Papiol