Castle of Coracera
castle, chateau
Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid

The castle of La Coracera was sent to build 1434 by the powerful "prime minister" of Juan II, Don Alvaro de Luna, Condestable of Castile and Master of the Order of Santiago, to become Lord of San Martin
Previous names
Castle of Coracera, Castillo de la Coracera
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The castle of La Coracera was sent to build 1434 by the powerful "prime minister" of Juan II, Don Alvaro de Luna, Condestable of Castile and Master of the Order of Santiago, to become Lord of San Martin. From this castle, Don Alvaro, sometimes accompanied by the king himself, left for his hunts in the mountains in which he charged wild boar, deer and even bears that then abounded in our mountains.

Useful information

- Empadronados:1€;

- Pensionistas: 2 €;

- Adultos:3 €

Niños (a partir de 5 años): 2 €;

- Los días 7, 8 y 9 de septiembre el castillo permanecerá cerrado por fiestas patronales;

- Los menores de 14 años no podrán hacer la visita sin compañía de personas mayores, que en todo caso se responsabilizaran de su seguridad y de que no rebasen los límites establecidos en el recorrido

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