Albarracin Castle is located on top of a hill with very good views of the town
Albarracin Castle is located on top of a hill with very good views of the town. It was also called the Castle of Don Jacobo. The castle has an irregular plan that adapts itself to the terrain. The castle was the center of the Taifa Kingdom founded by Hudail Ibn Razin that became independent from the Moorish Kingdom of Cordoba in 1012. The Berber tribe of the Banu Razin used this fortress. In 1104 the town was taken over by the Almoravides. In 1147 the town was conquered by the Christians under the Rey Lobo of Murcia and became part of the Kingdom of Aragon. The castle has 11 towers that are circular in form and open to the interior of the castle. The castle has an area of 3400 square meters.