Schloss Ronneburg
castle, chateau

Around 900, a small defence complex was built on the site of the rear part of the castle
Previous names
Schloss Ronneburg, Schloss Ronneburg
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Around 900, a small defence complex was built on the site of the rear part of the castle. In the second half of the 12th century it was extended by the reeves of Weida to form a castle complex. Over the course of the centuries, the owners have changed frequently. From 1826 until 1918 the town and castle of Ronneburg belonged to the Dukedom of Saxony-Altenburg. The historically most important part is the so-called knight's hall. Restoration work on the knight's hall began in 1991. Step by step, the castle courtyard, the outdoor sections of the castle complex and other parts of the building fabric have been thoroughly restored, concluding in 2007. Since then, the castle complex has become a popular venue for relaxation and recreation. The Municipal and School Museum, the youth club and the castle gardens are much-visited leisure facilities.

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- Führung mit Anmeldung

- Das Schloss beherbergt ein Museum