Schloss Neuenburg (Freyburg)
castle, chateau
Burgenlandkreis, Sachsen-Anhalt

Neuenburg Castle (German: Schloss Neuenburg) is a hilltop castle overlooking Freyburg, a town in the state of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Previous names
Schloss Neuenburg (Freyburg), Schloss Neuenburg (Freyburg)
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Neuenburg Castle (German: Schloss Neuenburg) is a hilltop castle overlooking Freyburg, a town in the state of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.

The castle was built around 1090 by the Thuringian count Ludwig der Springer, securing his territory in the east, as did its sister castle Wartburg in the west. The name Neuenburg derives from German for "new castle".

From 1656 until 1746 it was a secondary residence of the Dukes of Saxe-Weissenfels.

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6.50 EUR

Aussichtsturm: 2.50 EUR

Ermäßigt: 4.00 EUR

Aussichtsturm: 1.50 EUR

0 - 3 Jahre: gratis

Familie: 16.50 EUR

Gruppennachlass ab zehn Personen 0,50 € individuelle

- Virtueller Rundgang

- WC/barrierefreies WC

- WiFi

- Aussichtspunkt

- Wickelraum

- Kinderspielecke

- Für Rollstühle zugänglich

- Weinprobe

- Führung: 8.00 EUR/Ermäßigt: 5.50 EUR