Schloss Kochberg
castle, chateau
Landkreis Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, Thüringen

While in Trier on a month long group study program through my university, we took a week and went on a road trip to Weimar, Jena, Rudolstadt, and the surrounding area visiting some of Germany's most significant literary museums, archives, as well as countless museums or houses dedicated to Goethe and Schiller
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Schloss Kochberg, Schloss Kochberg
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While in Trier on a month long group study program through my university, we took a week and went on a road trip to Weimar, Jena, Rudolstadt, and the surrounding area visiting some of Germany's most significant literary museums, archives, as well as countless museums or houses dedicated to Goethe and Schiller. One morning we took off to visit Kochberg Castle, deep in the Thuringia forest.

Goethe's love for Charlotte von Stein is what led him to frequently visit this castle, which at the time in the late 18th century belonged to the von Stein's large estate. This was a well lived-in castle, and it's use as a home is evident throughout. Portraits of family members and evidence of frequent gatherings hang throughout the home.

While visiting this castle, which was built in the 1600's, I rushed as fast as I could through the interior because the castle grounds and estate are large and filled with lots to explore. Walking out through the moated castle, I took an audio guide and enjoyed wandering around the estate while learning all about the history of the gardens, theatre, Roman ruins, and farmland that I was exploring. Thinking back on this day, exploring the castle grounds is definitely what stands out to me as the highlight. Inside the castle, seeing Goethe's writing desk was another highlight. You can still see marks from little notes that he left on the desk, such as the dates of some of his visits there as well as a signature. Something else that really captivated my attention in this castle was the hand painted wallpaper. I just love the colours used and the patterns...something about it seems slightly more modern and I quite like it.

While exploring the castle we were constantly tempted with a delicious savoury smell rising up through the floors from the kitchen on the ground level. We went down to see if we could perhaps have an early lunch and enjoy some of the incredible German cooking that was taking place but alas, it was reserved for a private function. Peeking into the elaborately decorated dining room I couldn't help but feel a slight bit of envy for the lucky group having a fantastic lunch in that castle. Of course on the flip side the good news is that the at least parts of the castle can be rented for private functions, and their kitchen seemed to be an excellent one at that.

The Liebhabertheatre on the grounds of the castle was built by Carl von Stein, Charlotte's brother, who wanted a classic Weimar style theatre at his own estate. This theatre is still in use during the summer months and is kept historically accurate with decor and in performance style however I unfortunately do not have a photo of it.

The castle grounds have undergone several large renovations and include charming winding pathways through wooded areas that lead visitors to linen cottage, extensive flower gardens, tower ruins, a grotto, a bathing pond, and lovely stone fountains amongst a countryside park like setting. Exploring these grounds was the highlight of my visit to Schloss Kochberg.

As you can see below, I really didn't take very many photos of the interior of the castle or the grounds even, and the ones I did take do not do it justice. In reality, this castle and grounds makes for an incredible day trip or afternoon excursion and the entire surrounding area really captured my interest. It was my first time in Thuringia and I really fell in love with the countryside and charming little old towns all over. You can really tell that you are in the former East Germany because the countryside isn't full of industry as it is in the South-West, which makes for a sleepy atmosphere and charming picturesque landscapes.

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1.00 EUR

3.50 EUR

Ermäßigt: 2.50 EUR

16 - 20 Jahre: 1.00 EUR

Kinder: gratis

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