Dagstuhl Castle
castle, chateau
Merzig-Wadern, Saarland

Dagstuhl Castle (in German: Burgruine Dagstuhl or Burg Dagstuhl) is a ruined castle on the top of a hill near the town of Wadern, kreis Merzig-Wadern, in Saarland, Germany

Previous names
Dagstuhl Castle, Burg Dagstuhl
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Dagstuhl Castle (in German: Burgruine Dagstuhl or Burg Dagstuhl) is a ruined castle on the top of a hill near the town of Wadern, kreis Merzig-Wadern, in Saarland, Germany. It overlooks the newer Schloss Dagstuhl in the valley below, which is historic but has been converted for use as a conference centre.

The castle was founded by Knight Boemund of Saarbrücken sometime before 1290, probably for Bohemond I von Warnesberg, Archbishop of Trier. The name derives from the German word for roof, "Dach", because of the roof-like shape of the hill on which the castle stands.

The castle ruins have been archaeologically explored and were improved for public access in 2004.

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