Zbraslav Chateau
castle, chateau
Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha

A royal hunting castle was situated in Zbraslav in the early 13th century

Previous names
Zbraslav Chateau, Zbraslavský klášter
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A royal hunting castle was situated in Zbraslav in the early 13th century. In 1292, king Wenceslass II founded the a Cistercian Aula Regia Monastery here. Throughout its history, the monastery was repeatedly attacked and destroyed by enemy troops but the monks always restored it and in the 17th century it was rebuilt according to plans by J. B. Santini and F. M. Kanka. In the 18th century, the monastery was closed and bought by Prince of Oettingen, who transformed it into a chateâu with beautiful gardens. At the beginning of the 20th century the Bartons of Dobenin acquired the chateau and have owned it until today.
